Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Random Summer

Okay, so this Summer has been crazy... Here are some random things that I have come across.....

People are STUPID. I don't know how anyone could just quit a job without giving any notice. Why in the hell would you want to do that? First of all, do they not know employers ask for employment history & actually call? Do they not know that I could have a factor in getting another job? UGH, so frustrating. I don't care if they want to quit, really I don't... But at least give me the same courtesy as I have given you and at least give me a week notice, don't just call and say I'm Done!!!! PS... This happened to me 4 times in the last 2 months!!!!!

People are CRAZY. Why would you want to spend all your day waiting for a movie? I could see an hour, 2 tops, but all day in 100 degree weather? Wow...

People have amazing HEARTS. Although I have seen craziness, I have seen people that have the biggest hearts. People that gave up something just to make someone else happy! People that would do anything just to see someone else smile.

I am grateful that I have amazing family and friends that helped me get through this Summer. Without you all to vent to, I wouldn't have made it!!!!!!!

♥ you all !!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I am totally a slacker! I have been so busy that I have neglected my blog..... My friends said so, lol.....

So, tonight.... I am changing that! Today I am going to write about Shit.....

Not literally..... but really, all our lives are filled with it.... We have our families (not shit) our friends (again, not shit) and our work (no comment)!!!!!!!

We all have our things going on, but we need to remember the good in our lives..... The family.... The friends...... The fun!!!!!

Some of us have forgotten to have fun (yes I am talking about me!)...... We need to remember to breath.... We need to remember to have fun!!!!!!!! If we can't do that... Then why are we living?????

Monday, April 4, 2011

Yay Aqua Team

Liz, August, Jamie D, Holly, Vickie, Kari, Megan, Jamie S & Jessica 

                                                        - Biggest Loser 5K 2011

We did it! All of team Aqua finished the 5K in under an hour! This might not sound impressive, but..... 1 Team Member popped her knee out of place and torn all the ligaments the night before, another had bronchitis, and I was working off of 2 1/2 hours of sleep. Oh and don't forget that it was like 40 degrees, then it sprinkled, then it snowed oh and the last 15 minutes it down poured!!

It was such an amazing experience. I loved seeing all the "Biggest Loser" contestants and loved watching the determination on all 600 participants... 

Thanks for all of the support! I can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!!!
I was soaking wet, and sad that it was over! Excited that I finished it though...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ultimate Failure

I realized today that I am the most ultimate failure of blog writing. I haven't had any "Hollerings" for a year. FAIL. 

So, today we are going to turn a new leaf. I am going to blog about doing a 5K!!!! Yes, I said that correctly, my fat a$$ is going to do a 5K with my girls on Saturday. 

I am so excited/terrified all at the same time. I know I won't be able to run the entire thing, but.... It's on my "Bucket List" and I am going to do it!!!! 

A big shout out to all my girls that are taking this challenge with me, YOU ROCK!!!! 

So, if you are out in the Ivins area on Saturday and you see a group of ladies young and older in Aqua shirts... Say Hello :)  

Pics to follow! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So I failed....

Ok, so this new years resolution has failed miserably!!! I was doing so good too... But with work, kids, and family stuff, it is just so hard to fit it into my schedule.... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I make a new resolution.... To post a new post ONCE a week, instead of everyday!!!

PS. On the up side... I bought a new laptop yesterday. My other one wouldn't keep charged, so now I have this wonderful new one... YAY ME

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 17- Friends

Tonight we went to my Aunt Vickies for dinner! We ate, caught up with friends that were in from SLC, and it was just a wonderful night!!!!!

THANKS to my family for making me so very happy

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16- Quote of the Day

It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living.~ Simone de Beauvoir